The specialists of Inspection body of type "C" of " EL-TEST " have extensive experience with relay protections. Work on a relay protection includes both setup and testing, and the hard part - configuration. Our specialists have successfully completed a number of courses and trainings for the world's leading manufacturers of digital relay protection - ABB, Siemens, Areva, Schneider electric, etc..
Based on the knowledge of our experts trained to relay protection of external organizations.
Of course, making a qualitative and successful work is needed in addition to trained professionals, the organization has the appropriate software and hardware level. Inspection body of type "C" of "EL-TEST" has licensed software for working with digital relay protection of the above companies, respectively:PCM600 for IED АBB 670
Inspection body of type "C" to" EL-TEST " has equipment of the highest class for relay protections testing:
1. System for relay protections secondary testing - Omicron CMC 356
2. System for relay protections secondary testing. Freja 306
Both systems are universal, ie there to may be tested in all kinds of protective functions of a relay protection. They have 6 pieces and 4 pieces of electric voltage channels and built-in timer, which allows for testing differential, distance, current, voltage, frequency, etc. functions. Device error is less than 0.05%, which ensures greater accuracy in testing. The systems have valid calibration certificates issued by laboratories covering standard EN 17025.