The Inspection body of type "C" is an independent unit to the company " EL- TEST" Ltd and operates in accordance with the requirements stipulated by EN ISO / IEC 17020 . Accredited of Executive Agency " Bulgarian Accreditation Service " with the accreditation certificate Reg . No.128 valid until 07/30/2016 , according BS EN ISO / IEC 17020 : 2012 .
In general the control contains 2 steps . At first obtain information about the actual state of the object. This information is called primary . And the second step the primary information is compared with the previously established requirements , standards , criteria. In t his showing compliance or non-compliance of the actual data required .
Controlled parameters include elements of quantity, quality, safety, suitability for use and maintenance of safety between enterprise systems. Performed measurements on a number of factors required as for periodic monitoring and in validation of new residential and public buildings, production and office facilities , substations , photovoltaic power plants and wind power plants. The Inspection body type "C" make the electrical protection measures such as loop impedance – Zs, RCDs , protective grounding resistance , lightning protective grounding resistance for the needs of private clients , organizations (private , public or community ) and others.
The activities of control involves the examination of materials, products , installations, plants , processes, operating procedures or services and the determination of accordance with the requirements and the subsequent reporting of the results of these activities to customers.
The Inspection body of type "C" ensure competent and professional controls in the declared range according to normative - technical requirements and established procedures for control. It supports and appropriate equipment .
The inspectors available to the body of control necessary knowledge to implement control activities . All inspectors continuously improve their competence on the regulations governing the control and processing of the results , and the connection between tasks and quality of services , subject to the standards of work safety.
The Inspection body oftype "C" has declared independence in accordance with BS EN 17020 for type "C" and ensure that it can to ensure the proper allocation of responsibilities and accountability between control and other activities through organizational measures and by documented procedures Inspection body is independent of the company of which it is part, and this independence is documented in the Declaration of Independence.
Its services are available to all customers without discrimination, thresholds for number of staff , number or type of product groups , sites, working language , branch, nature , membership in groups, and other conditions. It shall act competently and thoroughly engaging, without being influenced by the volume , complexity, and cost control.